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SPA-111 Elementary Spanish 1

Develop an understanding of basic pronunciation and grammar necessary for reading, writing and speaking in Spanish. Not for those who have experience with the Spanish language. Note: Also offered as SPA 111H; credit is not given for both SPA 111 and SPA 111H. Credit is not given for both SPA 111 and SPA 140 and also SPA 140H. Not for native speakers.

Term: Spring 2025

Course Type: Credit - 3 Credits

Section: 002

Ways to take the class: Face-to-face

Days: TTH

Time: 11:00AM to 12:15PM

Start Date: 01/23/2025

End Date: 05/18/2025

Location: Arnold Campus

Room: CRSC 255 Building:
Careers Center

Instructor: Jodie S Hogan (Subject to change)

Class Size: 22

General Education Requirement: Arts and Humanities